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The Moon Report

Full Moon!
~29° Capricorn


Are you doing what you LOVE?
Or do you spend more energy doing what you think you "should" be doing?


After a full month of the Sun in Cancer, the Universe brings us a 2nd Capricorn Full Moon, 2 in a row!! This is more rare than 2 Full Moons in a Calendar month (Blue Moon) and far more significant! We learn and grow from the inside out and getting 2 Capricorn Full Moons in a row gives us a second chance to let go of our past, restructure old patterns, re-evaluate our goals and reach for opportunities that perhaps we missed the first time they were offered. 

The Cancer Month (June 20- July 21) has been sandwiched between 2 Capricorn Full Moons highlighting the need to balance these 2 signs;

  • Inner World ~ Outer World

  • Feminine ~ Masculine

  • Giving ~ Receiving

  • Under Responsibility ~ Over Responsibility

  • Joy ~ Duty

What imbalances have been recurring for you this past month? 
What seeds have you planted in the past? Look for spouting opportunities!


There are quite a few super charged aspects to this Full Moon, elevating its energy; Full Moon Conjunct Pluto, Sun Opposite Pluto, Neptune Trine to the Sun and Chiron Square to the Sun and Moon.

Pluto's contact to this Full Moon enhances the emotional intensity~
As it excavates old, buried feelings & fears that have been holding us back.


Neptune's contact softens the barrier around our feelings making it easier for them to be seen and acknowledged. Notice what is coming up for you~ perhaps fears and feelings (blame, resentment, shame, guilt) from the past that have been hiding and in a sneaky way sabotaging your chances of reaching your goals and potentialities. 

Chiron (the Wounded Healer) is also a player in this Full Moon, reminding us that we are responsible for healing our own wounds. Look for Insight this week in reclaiming dismembered parts of yourself that you have lost along the way. We intentionally lose parts of ourselves when we were younger for survival; the part that was too different, too smart, too sensitive, too talkative, too much, or ??? What part of yourself is calling to you to re-engage? 


Perseid Meteor Showers; July 14- Sept. 1~ Northern Hemisphere
Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower: July 18 - Aug. 31~ Southern Hemisphere

Meteors are catalysts for change. Meteor Showers are also an auspicious event enhancing our ability to connect to Higher Sources and receive downloads. Since ancient times, Meteor Showers were celebrated with dance, believing that the Meteor Showers were Magical showers from the Gods.  Even if you are not able to observe the Magical event, trust that you can experience Cosmic downloads during meditation and dreams throughout the month of showers. For more info on viewing Perseids click here. 

Mercury Retrograde 08/04- 08/28. 
*Note that we entered the shadow of the Retrograde Cycle on July 17th when Mercury reached 21° Leo (the point it retrogrades back to).

SLOW DOWN!! All Retrogrades are an opportunity to re-align ourselves. Mercury is the fastest moving Planet in our Solar System. It rules our thoughts, communication and transportation. Mercury rules our Left Brain (knowledge, facts, schedules).  With strong Mercury in our chart we think fast, talk fast and multi-task.  When Mercury slows down, we suddenly cannot juggle 5 things at once... the balls drop. Positively, Mercury invites us to balance our Right and Left Brain.  When Mercury is in Retrograde, it is an ideal time to write, create, use our imagination and connect with our Intuitive Nature. Often Mercury Retrograde can feel frustrating. It is the "trickster" Planet after all.  Mercury intends to "trick" us into doing things differently. 

This past week I have had time to reflect on myself, on "duty" and "should's" in my life. I am looking at the choices I make, taking pause as to when I say yes to things I do not want to do and when I say no to things I DO want to do. Guilt, fears, shame all have ties to my choices, ugh!! I have definitely improved over the decades, however, I am ready to move up another level. I trust this weekend will reveal some answers for me. Perhaps, time for me to re-read; Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson by Joan Borysenko.

The weekend ahead will be Super Charged Cosmically! Over the next few weeks, the Universe is supporting us in CLEARING any psychic weight that is keeping us stuck. Mercury Retrograde will bring to our awareness what needs to be cleared and re-aligned. LETTING GO of any buried fears, repressed emotions frees up space and energy for us to LEAP forward on our Destined Path!

Donna xo

"I"Making people laugh is giving, and it's healing, too, when people can go up to the movies and forget about their problems. It's a good thing. That's why I want to work.." CHRIS TUCKER- Capricorn Moon 

Past Moon Reports


Aquarius New Moon


Leo Super Full Moon


Capricorn New Moon


Cancer Full Moon

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