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The Moon Report

New Moon!
~18° Taurus


April was a Cosmically Charged Month! 
It was Chaotic, Exciting & Unsettling... Whew, we made it!!
The Month of May Brings Potential for Positive Growth
& Forward Movement!


Did April shake you up a little? A lot!?! The Stars intended to create shifts and invite change into our lives. Yes, even positive change feels destabilizing.  This is why so many of us are now thinking of ways to bring more stability, security and abundance into our lives. 
Trust the Cycles of the Universe~ Trust that there is Divine Order behind the chaos.  Endings precede New Beginnings, Breakdowns precede Breakthroughs and Disruptions & Challenges stimulate New Growth & Strength.

New Moons are a time when the Universe Supports
New Beginnings...
Giving Us an Opportunity to hit the "Refresh" button. 

Tuesday's Taurus New Moon occurs in almost the exact position that the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction happened on April 20th. This is a big deal!  Remember, this was the "Breakthrough" Transit. Jupiter works by expansion  and exposing the Truth. Uranus shakes things up with the intention of waking us up and getting us back on our Destined Path. (If you want a refresh, reread my April 7 Moon Report here.)  April absolutely STIRRED THE POT!  This week's New Moon energy brings forward just what we need to finally gain some forward movement on our own personal Breakthrough.  Reflect on any messages that have been coming through to you this last month. Notice what fears have come up and how they limit you.  This week is an ideal time to make powerful choices, set intentions, plant seeds and TAKE A STEP FORWARD!! 

The Seeds We Plant this New Moon have Extra Potency to Bring Us Fruit by the Next Full Moon!

With the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus ALL in Taurus this week we have a Stellium of Taurus Energy showering down on us! Taurus represents our Primary Survival Needs as well as our personal Values. The Spiritual Task of Taurus is to develop a healthy sense of Self-Esteem~ one where we see our "worth" and value outside of our material worth and value. Taurus reminds us that when we become overly focused on our material worth and safety, we lose our sense of WHO we are and our True Value.

What brings you Happiness?
How well are you balancing your need to be healthy, secure & productive with your need to experience Joy & physical pleasures?


Taurus is the sign associated with the 5 senses; touch, taste, sight, sound & smell.  Take time this week to enjoy some of the simpler pleasures in life, massage, baking, cooking, listening to music, enjoying the beauty of nature and smelling the roses. We are now invited to Reflect on what TRULY MATTERS to us and what makes us happy. Yes, we are here to learn & grow~ physically, mentally and Spiritually. But we are also here to experience Joy, physical pleasures and Spiritual Bliss! What makes your Soul sing?!


Neptune at 29° Pisces: May 3rd - September 2nd
Planets have exalted energy at the 1st degree (0°) and the final degree of each sign (29°). We typically see more events happening at these degrees. The 29th degree holds the energy of completion. I see this as a symbolic time where we are Collectively and Personally Completing the Age of Pisces. Neptune rules the sign Pisces, the 12th sign of the zodiac, the sign of “completion”. Neptune & Pisces together at this point for so long are sure to heighten our sensitivity. This is a long transit, lasting 4 months! (If you have any Planets at 29° Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius in your chart, this transit will have more of a personal impact on you.)

  • What can you sense is coming into completion for you right now?

  • Be mindful of heightened sensitivity around this time. Think of ways to work with your sensitivity rather than be overwhelmed by it; journaling, dream journal, mediation, prayer, creative outlets, slowing down, time in nature, rest.


Change is inevitable... and rarely easy. The Universe will continue to move through its Cycles bringing us opportunities to evolve, download and create. Know that we always have CHOICE. We can choose to evolve by moving with these Cycles, or we can choose to regress by resisting them. More importantly.~ we can choose to experience JOY even during the phases of our more difficult transitions. 

Donna xo

"Music has healing powers. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.”  ELTON JOHN (Taurus Moon)

Past Moon Reports


Aquarius New Moon


Leo Super Full Moon


Capricorn New Moon


Cancer Full Moon

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