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The Moon Report


Full Moon
~24° Taurus


It's time to ReFresh, ReSet, ReNew, & ReLax!!

Keep your eyes open, lights on and prepare to WAKE UP!!

All Full Moons offer us opportunities to see things in a New Light. This weekend's Super Full Moon highlights our values of; Ourselves (Self-worth), money, life and death. What truly Matters to you? With the Moon in Taurus and the Sun in Scorpio we are called to balance the energies of these two signs. The Taurus Moon brings up feelings around our survival, our fears, material possessions, finances, our talents, our choices, our contentment and our Self-worth. There is extra charge to the Moon this weekend as Uranus is conjunct (in the same position of) to the Moon! Uranus is jolting its big electrical force on this Moon, bringing attention to where we feel unsupported. 

Are you feeling like you have to do everything yourself?
Are you needing more support? 
How are you supporting others? 
How do you support yourself?  

This Super Full Moon has us reflecting and evaluating how we distribute our personal currency (time, energy, money).  What we spend our time, energy and money on reflects our values... most importantly it reflects our value of ourselves!  We are invited to appreciate ourselves and our values, without need support or approval from others.  At a time where there is so much hatred, fear and division, many of us feel alone, abandoned and afraid. We need to take our Power back by valuing ourselves. The more you truly value yourself and Trust yourself the more powerful your Intuition will become and the less power fear and anxiety will have over you

Scorpio is the sign most concerned with darkness, crisis and fear.  Scorpio represents passion, personal growth and our Soul's deepest desires.  With the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus we are called to balance our desire to grow, change and step forward on our Destined path while honoring our need for safety and security.  This Moon encourages us to face our ghosts, our fears, what haunts us... what holds us back from moving forward, towards our Dreams and Destiny.  

Ways to Self-Soothe during this Full Moon;

  • Get a massage

  • Garden, cook, bake, dance, eat delicious food

  • Spend time in Nature

  • Aromatherapy

  • Do something that makes you feel useful

  • Practice SELF-Gratitude!


Pluto Re-Enters Aquarius: Nov. 19th
Pluto re-enters Aquarius for the 3rd time, but this time it will stay for nearly 20 years. When an Outer Planet changes signs it initiates a shift in our Inner Consciousness. Pluto reminds us that we are all Creators of our own Destiny.  It encourages us to face our fears and own our Power. The Spiritual Lesson of Aquarius is in truly understanding THAT WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. Aquarius is the Archetype of Equality, Freedom and Progression. Pluto in Aquarius accelerates shedding, change, restructuring and progress. This combination will set out to SHAKE UP & WAKE UP~ Literally and figuratively... (Earthquakes, extreme weather, reform, social movement, boost of art, literature & music)

Pluto + Aquarius = Upheaval, Revolutions, Rebellions, Progress~ AWAKENING!

Change often looks like regression, going backwards before we go forwards. Kind of like a remodel in your home~ we are in the stage of deconstruction. Positively this combo will eventually move us forward towards inclusivity, intuitive intelligence and unity. 

Mercury Retrograde Nov. 25th - Dec. 15th
Do not fear Mercury Retrograde... but DO listen to it's messages. Mercury Stations Retrograde 3-4 times/year, approximately 20% of the time. Mercury is the fastest moving planet. When it is in Retrograde it is SLOWING DOWN… inviting US to slow down. And yes, this is frustrating, particularly during Holiday Season when we are over-tasked and over-scheduled. 

Retrogrades pull us back so we can get a better visual~
With this greater visual we have more clarity & confidence in moving forward. 
A wider view & greater perspective. 


Mercury Retrograde reminds us;

  • That multi-tasking is over-rated

  • To balance the left & right brain (facts, schedules, knowledge vs. creativity, intuition, imagination)

  • Pay attention to details

  • Listen more, talk less

  • To Release old patterns & TO RE-ALIGN OURSELVES


Mercury rules our thoughts, communication and transportation. It rules our Left Brain (knowledge, facts, schedules).  With strong Mercury in our chart we think fast, talk fast and multi-task.  When Mercury slows down, we suddenly cannot juggle 5 things at once... the balls drop. Positively, Mercury invites us to balance our Right and Left Brain.  When Mercury is in Retrograde, it is an ideal time to write, create, use our imagination and connect with our Intuitive Nature. Often Mercury Retrograde can feel frustrating. It is the "trickster" Planet after all.  Mercury intends to "trick" us into doing things differently. 


Friday's Super Full Moon will be the final Super Moon of 2024. The proximity to Earth intensifies its pulls and tugs on the ocean's tides, earth's tectonic plates and our emotional bodies. This intensity allows us to see things in a New Light and reaffirms our Faith that anything is possible. With Pluto solidly moving into Aquarius we feel the jolt as we are reaching a pivotal turning point in time. We are Dawning a New Age, we are Waking up (some slower than others)! Resist the urge to feed your fear and go back to sleep, choose to feed Love. Time is not slowing down for us. It is Time to Awaken our Hearts!


Donna xx

Past Moon Reports


Aquarius New Moon


Leo Super Full Moon


Capricorn New Moon


Cancer Full Moon

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