The Moon Report
Full Moon
~23° Gemini
The Message from this week's Full Moon is~
And of course the Stars are supporting us this week in hitting that PAUSE button. In Stillness we find the present moment, we can hear our Inner Guidance. In Stillness we understand more clearly who we are and why we here. We are ALL INTUITIVE BEINGS and we all benefit greatly from listening to our Inner Guidance.
FULL MOON in GEMINI: Dec. 15th
Sunday's Full Moon shines a Light on the Power of our thoughts. Full Moons bring Light into Darkness, allowing us to see what was previously hidden. Our thoughts become our feelings and our feelings become our Reality. This week, we are invited to become aware of how our thoughts are impeding our energy and perhaps even sabotaging ourselves. Notice your thoughts this week; judgments, worry, negativity, doubt, criticism~ then notice how you feel.
We are all here for a reason...
We have CHOSEN to be here at this time.
We have Responsibility to show up~
Know that every Thought, Word & Deed has Power.
How are you engaging with this Power?
This weekend's Gemini Moon Shines a Light on where we need less Speaking & more LISTENING, less information & more WISDOM, less judgment & more ACCEPTANCE, less indiscretion & more DISCERNMENT! It invites us to balance our Head and our Heart.
Do you waver between over-thinking (head) & being over-reactive (heart)?
This Full Moon encourages us to balance the Left & Right Brain~ for most of that it means engaging more in our Right Brain~ Wisdom, Imagination, Creativity & Intuition. (The Left Brain is; Knowledge, facts, figures & communication.) Ways to nurture our Right Brain; slowing down, meditation, prayer, silence, time in nature, spending time in creative pursuits, listening to your dreams.
Mercury Retrograde: Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 (Shadow: Nov. 15 - Jan. 2)
Mars Retrograde: Dec. 6th, 2024 - Feb. 23, 2025
Neptune Square to Moon & Sun: Dec. 15th & 18th
Are you feeling more physical fatigue & fuzzier in the brain than you usually do? All 3 of these transits are really messing with us. Even though Mercury Stations direct on December 15th, it continues to travel slowly and we will feel the shadow of it until the New Year. Mercury rules our Left brain, our knowledge, facts, memory, schedules~ the part of the brain we heavily rely on. Mars rules our Physical body, our muscles, hemoglobin and our adrenal glands. When Mars is in Retrograde it feels like running through mud, we must pay attention to our body! Read More about the Retrogrades from my last Moon Report here.
When Neptune Squares the Sun and/or Moon, our sensitivity is SUPER charged. Positively, we have heightened creative thinking, intuition and compassion. However, this extra zap of sensitivity can also feed anxiousness, disillusionment and fear. Be mindful of what you expose yourself to; negative people, media, food, drugs, noise. BE SURE TO GIVE YOURSELF TIME TO REST AND BE STILL this week!! Even if just a few moments of deep breathing.
CAPRICORN SOLSTICE~ Dec. 21st at 1:20 am PT
On December 21st, the Sun moves into Capricorn, marking the Winter Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere (Summer Solstice in the South). The Winter Solstice is the original Celebration of the Return of the Light as it marks when the days begin to get longer here in the Northern Hemisphere. The word “Solstice” comes from the Latin word “solstitium”, meaning “to stand still”. For the 3 days around the Solstice, the Earth’s axial tilt comes to a gravitational pause. This pause or stillness is what we need before we shift directions... it is an indicator that change is ahead of us. This pause creates an energetic portal as there is a reduction of energy to the magnetic field on earth the day before, day of and day after the Solstice (Dec. 20th - 22nd). This energetic portal forges an opening to the Cosmos. These 3 days (Dec. 20, 21 & 22) are an extra powerful time for setting intentions, meditation, creativity, intuition, ceremonies and prayer!
Allow yourself to soften this week, opening your Mind and your Heart. Pause for what makes you smile and brings you Delight. Journal, Play, Create and Listen to the Guidance and Messages from your BRILLIANT Higher Mind!
Trust Your Inner Guidance & Celebrate Your Light!
Donna xx​