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The Moon Report

Super New Moon!

~19° Aries


*Mercury Retrograde

 April 1-25

~2024 Mantra~
"I am Preparing for both Breakdowns & Breakthroughs~
Without any Expectation, Fear or Attachment."


April is a Cosmically loaded month!! Fasten your Celestial seatbelts... Monday's Super New Moon TOTAL Solar Eclipse is a doozy!! Whether you "see" the Eclipse or not~ you will certainly feel it! Eclipses are Catalysts for change~ they mark a time of Endings & Major New Beginnings!! This Eclipse holds the energy of NEW BEGINNINGS on steroids! 

  • All New Moons mark a time of New Beginnings~ 

  • Solar Eclipses mark a time of MAJOR New Beginnings!

  • This is a SUPER New Moon... so closer to Earth & adding more intensity to Moon's energy. 

  • This is a TOTAL Solar Eclipse adding an extra boost of energy to this Eclipse.

  • The Eclipse is in the sign Aries, the 1st sign of the Zodiac & the sign most associated with New Beginnings!

  • 6 Planetary bodies are in Aries this week... The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Chiron & Eris.

Eclipses are not always event generating on the actual day of the Eclipse. We start to feel the energy of the Eclipses about a month before and the impact of the Eclipse energy continues to unfold for a month or 2 after. 

Every 6 months we get a Solar Eclipse and an opportunity to hit the "Refresh" button.  A Solar Eclipse is an extra potent New Moon, when the Moon, Sun and Earth are even more exactly aligned.  During the Eclipse, the Moon passes over the disc of the Sun blocking the Solar energy to the Earth Fully or Partially for a brief time. This Eclipse will be a Total Eclipse creating a 4 minute interruption of light to our Planet. This affects the Earth's magnetic field... as well as our physical and emotional bodies.  During this energetic shutdown, we internally experience darkness, a shutting down time.  A Solar Eclipse is an optimal time to Release & Recalibrate.  Think of it as a time to power down & reboot, just like you do with your phone and computer.  The days around a Solar Eclipse the Universe provides us with support to delete old codes, outdated beliefs and make room for new programming.

During an Eclipse it is Easier to See WHO We Truly Are...
Recognizing our Shadow & Reconnecting with Our Divine Light!


The Moon Cycles are the simplest yet the most valuable astrological events... they are worth paying attention to. New & Full Moons highlight to us where we need to make adjustments so we are prepared for the opportunities they will be presenting.  This week we have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Chiron and Eris all in the sign of Aries!! This emphasizes the urgency to engage in the Archetypal Energy of Aries~

  • Our need for Independence & Freedom

  • Self Discovery & Self Expression

  • New Beginnings

  • Courage & Initiative to Explore Alternative Options

Sun-Moon-Chiron 19° 24" Aries: Monday's Aries Eclipse brings to our attention, the power of knowing who we are and expressing our true self. Now, this Eclipse also happens to be EXACTLY~EXACTLY~EXACTLY conjunct (same degree) to the Planet Chiron!! Chiron, the Wounded Healer, brings an added flavor to this Eclipse, it invites us to clear the need to express ourselves from a wounded, fearful place. This month, we are being supported in letting go of the past & past patterns. Notice how you relate to yourself. Notice how you engage with others. Notice how you Eclipse yourself by going into your Shadow.

What Feeds Your Spiritual Nature?
... Love, Compassion & Faith?
Or are you acting from a place of wounds? 
~Notice what drains you & what Lights You Up~

Acting from old wounds (losing energy) can look like;

  • Complaining

  • Inner Critic

  • Overly sensitive to criticism

  • People pleasing

  • Self-pity or shame

  • Not speaking up

  • Self-Sabotaging behaviors

  • Bullying

  • Making choices based on fear

*Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction 21° Taurus:  April 20th
This is the biggest Astrological event of 2024! Every 13 years the Planets Jupiter and Uranus meet in Conjunction creating what we call the BREAKTHROUGH Transit!! When these 2 Planets come together great shifts happen... Breakthroughs! On a Global level we could see potential changes in finances/currency, farming/agriculture/food, science breakthroughs, climate change/weather patterns, inflation, rebelling, discovering new resources or even expansion in outer world communication. 

Are you feeling stuck in an area of your life? This transit is here for you!! Where 21° Taurus is in YOUR chart is where you will experience growth, expansion & a potential breakthrough. This is the area where you can gain a sense of Freedom, adopt new beliefs & build Faith.

The Celestial Energy continues to support us on our Evolutionary Journey, encouraging us to get back on our Destined Path! Remind yourself that endings precede New Beginnings and something needs to "Breakdown" before we can BREAKTHROUGH. 

Trust that the answers will unfold as the month moves on. Release your grip to "needing to know the future" and trying to stay a step ahead of the Universe. Trust that the BREAKING DOWN is happening~ be open to the Release.  Choose to Surrender to the flow of the Cycles... offering yourself and others Compassion as we move through necessary transitions. 

The wheel of time is spinning faster than ever. The intensity, the speed of change, the darkness and the unknown ahead can feel overwhelming. Breathe, stay in the present moment. Constantly remind yourself that... you can attain big things by working on the little things.

Eclipse Viewing- Monday April 8th
Monday's Total Solar Eclipse will be visible in all of North America. Unless you are on the path of totality, you will see what appears to be a Partial Eclipse. On the West Coast we will view it as a Partial Eclipse beginning at 10:39 am - 12:21 pm, peaking at 11:29 am PT. Check out your location for best time of viewing here

Donna xo

"Own your decisions, own who you are. Without apology.” ANNA WINTOUR~ Aries Moon

Past Moon Reports


Aquarius New Moon


Leo Super Full Moon


Capricorn New Moon


Cancer Full Moon

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