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The Moon Report

Cancer New Moon
July 17, 11:31 am PT


July 17th Brings Us Promise of New Beginnings...
A Shift in the Lunar Nodes Brings Us
~A New Karmic Cycle!

Astrological Cycles remind us WHO we are and WHY we are here.  They invite us to see our patterns, our potential and our opportunities.  When we connect with the Cycles of the Earth below us and the Universe above us, we are able to connect to ourselves in a more powerful way~ experiencing more Peace, more Joy and more Grace. The beauty of experiencing life Cyclically is that with each ending, we move towards a New Beginning. When we look at life linearly (flat earth approach)~ there is a "cliff" at the end of the line.


This week is filled with a Plethora of Cosmic Activity, highlighting the theme of
Endings & New Beginnings!

The few days before the New Moon (July 14-17), we are in the Balsamic Moon Phase, known as the Dark or "Dead Moon".  It is an ideal time to pull weeds, clear and let go. The New Moon Phase (July 17-20) is an ideal time to plant new seeds, start a new project and set New Beginnings in motion. This week also has a BIG HUGE transit with the Planet Pluto and the Moon's Lunar Nodes. Pluto will meet the Lunar Nodes at an EXACT 90° angle (Square) on July 22nd!  On July 21st, Pluto opposes the Sun, Squares the Lunar Nodes~ creating an aspect called the CARDINAL CROSS. Pluto and the Nodes will be at a close Square all week~ this means we are collectively and personally invited to clear old Karmic patterns and begin a New Cycle.  Pluto represents the Journey of our Soul, the Lunar Nodes represent the direction of our Souls. Whenever Pluto is involved we can anticipate CHANGE-GROWTH & EVOLUTION!

  • This Cardinal Cross will highlight areas of Independence, your Identity, your Home, Safety & Security, Relationships, Balance, Responsibilities, Career & Potential.

  • Notice what old patterns show up for you.

  • Be aware of opportunities to clear & let go (endings).

  • Look ahead Optimistically to the New Beginnings!

Lunar Nodes in Aries-Libra; July 17, 2023 – Jan 11, 2025

The North Lunar Node takes 19 years to complete a Cycle.  The last time the North Node was in Aries was Dec. 26, 2004 - June 22, 2006.  What themes were present for you back then?

Only 90 minutes after the Moon moves into the New Moon Phase, the North Lunar Node transits into the sign Aries.  For the last 18 months the Lunar Axis has been in Taurus and Scorpio, reminding us that CHANGE is inevitable (the Lunar Nodes move backwards).  Every 18 Months, the Moon's Lunar Nodes (Lunar Axis) shift signs and shift the area of your life that is due for an upgrade. The Lunar Nodes are not a planetary body, but rather a mathematical measurement of where the Moon (Soul) crosses the path of the Earth (Matter) as it orbits around the Sun (Spirit). This Lunar Axis determines what signs the Eclipses will be happening in that year.  For the last year and a half, the majority of the Eclipses have happened in Taurus and Scorpio.  This week the Lunar Axis shifts to Aries-Libra, giving a sneak peak at what's ahead. 

But first, I encourage you to reflect on the last 18 months and the journey you have been on.  (Lunar Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio; Jan. 18, 2022 – July 17, 2023.)  During this time, we were collectively invited to go of old wounds, moving away from our shadow; destruction, betrayal, control, suspicion, fears, blame. It was a time for healing old wounds and finding a healthier relationship to our body, our finances and the Earth.

With the Lunar Nodes in the Aries-Libra Axis we are moving away from unhealthy boundaries, codependency, people pleasing and imbalance. Over the next 18 months, the Eclipses will invite us all to move towards Courage, Independence and Graceful Leadership.  We will have opportunities to find a Healthy sense of Independence WITHIN our Relationships!

Venus Retrograde: July 22nd - September 3rd  (28° - 12 Leo°)

Retrogrades are Natural Correction Cycles.
They are Karmic opportunities to "Re-align" our Inner Selves to ensure support for expansion of our Outer Selves.  

Venus rules the signs Taurus and Libra.  For those of you with strong Taurus or Libra in your chart may feel this cycle more intensely.  Venus is the planet representing our Net-worth, Our Self-worth and Our Values.  When Venus is in Retrograde it calls us in to re-evaluate our priorities, our values and what REALLY matters to us.  We all can get caught on this wheel of life with misdirected desires and ambitions.  We can get so busy we don't realize how much energy is going into someone or something that is not a priority in our life.  We can get caught up in wanting what others have, or what we think we should have. 

Venus Retrograde in Leo calls us to Heal the Heart...
To Revisit Grief.
This Cycle will also Remind Us of the Value of Creativity...
To Open Our Hearts & Find what Brings Us Joy. 

Venus has a unique Retrograde Cycle, it revisits the same 5 signs every 8 years during a 40 year Cycle. The last time Venus was in Retrograde in Leo was July 25th - Sept. 6th, 2015.  What was going on in your life back then?  Is there a similar theme now?  Think of this summer as the beginning of a New Venus 8 year Cycle.  If you are unsure of what New Beginnings you desire to create, follow the Guidance of Venus in Retrograde in Leo and simply CREATE!!! Do anything and everything Creative... especially if it is fun and brings you Joy. 

  • What New Cycle are you beginning right now? 

  • How have you evolved in the last 8 years? 

  • Are you ready to take it to the next level?

The New Moon in Cancer brings us a jolt of Nurturing Cancer energy just days before the Cancer Season comes to a close. The Spiritual Message of Cancer is ALL OF LIFE IS INTER-CONNECTED, reminding us of the Power of Unity.  How do you feel connected to the Earth below you & the Stars above you? How well are you connected in your relationships (family, friends, co-workers, community)? Notice where you are disconnected and how it creates energy leaks.  Most importantly, how well are you connected within... Mind-Body-Spirit?

When we are feeling upset, anxious and helpless living in a world with so much chaos and suffering out of our control, it is helpful to focus on what we CAN control... looking after OURSELVES and each other. 

"The only way to survive is by taking care of one another." GRACE LEE BOGGS~ Cancer Sun (June 27, 1915 - Oct. 5, 2015)


May You Treat Yourself With Kindness!
Donna x

Past Moon Reports


Aquarius New Moon


Leo Super Full Moon


Capricorn New Moon


Cancer Full Moon

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